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About the Artist

Neil Aitken is a Chinese-Scottish Canadian writer, translator, and librettist who is the author of two books of poetry, The Lost Country of Sight (Anhinga Press), which won the 2007 Philip Levine Prize, and most recently, Babbage’s Dream. He is the founding editor of Boxcar Poetry Review and his own poems have appeared in The Adroit Journal, American Literary Review, The Collagist, Crab Orchard Review, Ninth Letter, Southern Poetry Review, and elsewhere. He is the administrator of Have Book Will Travel, the co-director of De-Canon: A Visibility Project, and the host of the literary podcast series The Lit Fantastic.

A past Kundiman Poetry Fellow, Neil has coached other writers through AWP’s Writer to Writer program, the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild’s Mentorship program, and The Writers’ Union of Canada’s Mentorship Microgrant program. He served as the Virtual Writer-in-Residence for the Saskatchewan Writers Guild during Fall 2020 and worked remotely with rural writers throughout the province. Neil currently lives in Regina where he works as a creative writing coach and manuscript consultant for writers all over the US, Canada, and beyond. He recently served as the Regina Public Library’s Writer-in-Residence (2021-2022).

As a Chinese-English translator, Neil has worked with poet-translator Ming Di to translate The Book of Cranes: Selected Poems of Zang Di, as well as numerous translations which appear in New Cathay: Contemporary Chinese Poetry, 1990-2012. He received the DJS Translation Prize in 2011 and has served as a contributing editor and board member of Poetry East West. Neil presently works as a creative writing coach and freelance editor.

You can find him on YouTube creating content for Fantastic Descriptions (a deep dive into narrative description for roleplaying games) and The Hermit Poetry Series (a thrice-weekly reading of contemporary poetry). He also streams on Twitch as babbaginator where he plays The Long Dark and discusses poetry, fantasy roleplaying games, and the history of technology.

  • Ethnic Origins

    East Asian , Other

  • Languages

    English, Mandarin

  • My Disciplines


  • What I'm Creating

    I write primarily poetry, but in recent years have also written lyric essays, opera libretto, interactive fiction games, and short fiction. I also translate contemporary Chinese poetry into English.