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À propos de l'artiste

Tânisi. Branden Cha nitisiyikâson. South Korea ohci niya. Amiskwaciy-waskahegan niwikin. Ninanâskomon ê-pimmâtisiyân.

I am a multi-disciplinary artist in dance, DJ, design, illustration, murals. What drives and ties all of my disciplines together are reconnection with heritage and identity. These two subjects are very personal to me, as my journey involved moving around many countries with my family since I was an infant. Watching my parents sacrifice much of their leisure, personal goals, and even their self-worth just to get me and my sister the best education possible, shaped my identity. It revealed to me that those qualities came from our Korean grit to become a first-world nation from a war-torn situation within a span of 30 years, and our Korean understanding of “jung” (정 情: a type of affection that the English language cannot fully define). These are two examples of many that kept my family together, and enabled us to get through the many tears and pride crushing moments of immigrant life. Because of this deeply personal area of my life, it was only natural that my artistic direction centered around heritage and identity.

  • Origines ethniques

    Asie de l'Est

  • Langues

    Anglais, Français, Coréen, Mandarin

  • Mes Disciplines

    Danse, Arts numériques, Multidisciplinaire, Musique et son, Arts de la scène, Arts visuels

Où j'en suis dans mon parcours de décolonisation

First step for me was understanding what Imperial Japan did to Korea for 35 years. That relatability was what opened my eyes to the real situation out here.

One of my goals is to inspire young indigenous youth to see their true potentials, and realize what their ancestors left behind for them is powerful. I help in anyway I can to get them connected with other indigenous artists, who they can look up to.

My current goal is also to learn Nêhiyawêwin (Cree - Plains dialect). I think it is imperative to learn the language of the host. That is etiquette and respect for guests to appreciate what their hosts are providing.